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Living and Learning

Communities | Student Leadership | National Residence Hall Honorary | Hall Council | Residence Hall Association | IT Advisory Board

Educational Priority

Through living in community together at Indiana State University, students will explore, practice and act as engaged citizens of the world.

Learning Goals



自我效能感是学生对自己通过探索自己的价值观来实现目标的能力的信念, beliefs, attitudes, and interests.  这包括将知识转化为行动,并反思行动对社区的影响.

Students will be able to:

  • Identify who they are
  • Recognize their impact upon other individuals
  • Recognize their impact upon communities
  • Act authentically with integrity


Inclusive Excellence:

包容性卓越是学生与不同的人互动和建立有意义的关系的能力.  This involves understanding the identities of one’s self and others, challenging systems of power, privilege, and oppression, and working towards more equitable communities.

Students will be able to:

  • Articulate their identities
  • Engage effectively across identities
  • Identify issues of power, privilege, and oppression
  • Contribute toward equity and justice


Professional Success:

职业上的成功是学生定义自己的抱负和学习技能的能力,这些技能使他们能够在所有的生活追求中取得成功. 这包括对成功的个人探索和发展技能,使他们能够以有意义的方式为加强社区做出贡献.

Students will be able to:

  • Define success for themselves
  • Develop practical skills to be successful
  • Communicate effectively
  • Navigate conflict in healthy ways
  • Utilize strengths to contribute positively in their communities

Why it Matters


NRHH Logo澳门合法赌场官网国家宿舍楼荣誉分会的Larry Miltenberger分会促进了澳门合法赌场官网和周边社区对他人的服务和认可.

国家宿舍楼荣誉(NRHH)是由倡导宿舍楼学生利益和福利的领先国际组织支持的首要荣誉, while also providing opportunities for their personal growth and development. NRHH致力于为那些为学院和大学住房的进步做出贡献的个人提供认可. It ensures the advancement of member chapters through resource sharing, programming, 和领导力发展的机会,以促进和支持全国学院和大学宿舍协会的愿景, Incorporated.

Each semester applications are open via the TreeHouse to submit interest to join.  Applications will be followed by and interview process to determine those inducted into NRHH.

Membership Qualifications:

  • 申请入会的候选会员必须是该分会所属学院或大学的学生.
  • A Student shall be defined as a person currently taking classes at Indiana State University, whether in an undergraduate or graduate manner.
  • Students pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or professional degrees are all eligible for induction.
  • At the time of induction, the Inductee must in good academic standing with the University.
  •  候选成员必须居住在机构拥有或承包的住房中,并且在机构拥有或承包的住房中居住至少一个学期, one semester, upon induction.
  • 候选会员必须通过参与服务和认可的价值观对宿舍系统做出积极贡献.

NRHH Organizational Page

NRHH International


Hall Council is a student organization that is based in each residence hall on campus. 大厅委员会的主要重点是为大楼的居民提供一个机会,让他们的声音被听到,他们希望在他们的大厅里看到什么. Hall Council also puts on regular social and educational events for the betterment of their community.

Members:  While every student living in a resident hall is a general member of their Hall Council, 每个大厅都有一个专门的领导小组,代表他们的建筑和工作,领导该组织全年. Elections for most positions happen within the first two weeks of the Fall semester, so students should be on the lookout for information during check-in.  Depending on the building and the year, Hall Council Presidents are elected in the spring semester before their term.

President:  The President oversees all operations of Hall Council. This includes conducting all Executive Board and General Assembly meetings. 它们还确保大会有机会就某一特定主题或事项发表意见. 他们是宿舍理事会的代表之一,参加宿舍协会的总理事会会议.

Vice President:  The Vice President serves to assist the President in their role and step in when necessary. 他们还监督各自建筑的选举过程,并作为与大厅代表的联络人. They take the lead in preparing the Hall Council for any Homecoming or Spring Week participation.

Vice President of Administrative Affairs:  The Vice President of Administrative Affairs serves in the capacity of secretary and treasurer. They are tasked with recording and publishing minutes for all Hall Council meetings. 他们还与他们的顾问合作,保持一个准确的预算帐户,并定期提交给他们的大厅理事会.

Vice President of Programming:  节目副总裁的任务是从住客那里收集他们希望在大厅里看到的节目倡议的想法. 他们还努力协调大楼内的所有方案拟订工作,以确保执行局和大会了解正在发生的事情.

Vice President of Public Relations:  The Vice President of Public Relations serves as the main advertiser for the Hall Council. They are charged with creating publicity for any Hall Council initiative. They oversee their Hall Council’s social media presence as well.

Vice President of Community Service:  社区服务副主席致力于在他们的大厅内提供服务机会,让居民回馈. 他们与社区参与中心以及国家宿舍楼荣誉服务副校长合作,提供这样的机会.

Hall Representative:  Hall Representatives serve as the voting members of their specified community. They serve as the information liaison between the Executive Board and their communities. 他们努力确保他们社区的声音出现在霍尔理事会中,并根据该社区的需求和愿望进行投票.

Meeting Times

Each semester, 霍尔理事会执行委员会确定其执行会议和全体大会的时间. 执行会议只针对执行委员会的六名成员,因为他们计划组织的未来. 大会会议对所有居民开放,大会堂代表将在会议上就大会堂理事会的事项进行投票.


RHA Logo宿舍楼协会(RHA)是澳门合法赌场官网第二大组织,是校园内所有宿舍楼的规划和宣传团体. The purpose of RHA is to provide activities, leadership, and development opportunities for the residents. RHA works directly with the Hall Council in each building to serve the needs of their residents. RHA还作为建筑居民和住宅生活部门之间的联络人.

How to get involved with RHA?

Each residence hall has a Hall Council and that council is made up of students living in the building. Students can be involved with RHA just by working with their Hall Council. You can also attend conferences, which happen in both the Fall and Spring semesters. RHA致力于赞助一个校园范围的项目,允许居民来参与校园的社交环境.

Students can also get involved with RHA through one of our committees:

  • Advocacy Committee
  • Legislation Committee
  • Programming Committee

Contact Information & Meeting Times

The RHA office is located in the lower level of Blumberg Hall. 我们的执行委员会成员每周都有办公时间,这是学生来提问或与RHA执行委员会成员交谈的时间,如果需要的话. You can also reach the executive board through e-mail at or via phone at 812-237-7268.

RHA General Council meetings are held on Wednesdays at 5:00pm in the Lower Level of Erickson. 这个会议是开放给任何在校的居民来了解什么是发生在校园与RHA.


Looking for more information on RHA, such as how we can advocate for your residence hall or request to partner for an event. Visit our Treehouse page for more information:


IT咨询委员会就宿舍的IT基础设施向住宿生活办公室提供建议.  This board has recommended upgraded wireless technology, IP cable systems and more in the residence halls.


Residential Life Office

Erickson Hall
Phone: 812-237-3993
Fax: 812-237-8525
Hours: Monday-Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
Social: @IndstateResLife on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram